Architectural Specifications
General Exterior Facade Chemical Cleaning Specifications

Pre-Qualifications and Basic Standards
The contractor shall have been in the building cleaning business for not less than 5 years.

The contractor shall submit a list of completed projects comparable to the project being bid along with the names and addresses of the specific buildings and the owners, managers or architects involved in those projects.

For the purposes of this contract the term "clean" means to remove all organic and inorganic contaminants from the surface and pores of the substrate returning the stone to its natural color. The surfaces shall be evenly cleaned with no evidence of streaking or bleaching.

The cleaning process shall not affect the density, porosity or the color of the stone. The rinsing cycle shall flush deep into the pores of the substrate removing all traces of acidity or alkalinity.

The use of wire brushes, steel wool or sandblasting for cleaning will not be permitted.

The contractor shall submit for approval proprietary products and methods that are designed for the particular substrate being cleaned.

After receiving approval of the list of cleaning materials and the proposed cleaning methods, the contractor shall clean a representative sample of not less than 100 square feet for each type of stone or masonry present. If approved, the sample shall serve as the standard of quality for the project.

The cleaning materials and systems shall be from one of the specified manufacturers or approved equal.

Workmen using chemicals shall be required to wear protective clothing, goggles, face shields, gloves, etc., all in compliance with governing Federal and State safety codes and rules.

The storage of all chemicals shall be such as to preclude tampering, acts of vandalism and possible injury to workmen and the public in general. Chemicals shall at all times be stored in sealed containers in a suitable space provided by the customer and kept under lock and key. At no time shall vessels containing chemicals be carried or hoisted to working levels when such vessels are open and therefore prone to accidental spillage - all vessels shall have tight covers.

The cleaning contractor shall properly protect foundation plantings and lawn areas from permanent damage. He shall provide necessary coverings, wrappings, etc.. to the complete satisfaction of the project manager.

Wood, glass and painted surfaces of every description shall be carefully protected against damage from mechanical, acid, alkali and/or pressure rinsing operations.

The cleaning contractor shall provide every safeguard to protect workmen of every trade and the general public and their property against injury of any character and magnitude by erecting barriers well outside the limits of wind drifting water, detergents, acids, etc., however mild they may be.

The manufacturer has developed his cleaning systems to perform certain predetermined tasks. Any deviation from the prescribed methods and procedures may compromise the end results.
All information and photos are copyright Hydroclean.
No material may be reproduced without express written permission from Hydrochemcial Techniques, Inc.

Hydrochemical Techniques, Inc.
PO Box 2078
Hartford, CT 06145
Tel: 800-278-7681 • 860-527-6350
Fax: 860-527-4067