Product Description This is a stable liquid which has been specifically formulated for precleaning blackened limestone and marble. |
How To Use Product It is usually beneficial to first pre-rinse the stone with high pressure water before applying. Since surface conditions vary considerably, two patch tests should be conducted first to determine whether or not pre-rinsing with high pressure water is required. The product should be applied by spray, brush or roller. Nylon brushes and Dynel rollers are recommended. Do not use bristle brushes or wool rollers. Contact time of the product with the blackened stone will vary from 15 minutes up to 30 minutes depending on the amount of accumulated soil on the stone. It should be applied to the building surface from natural break to natural break. In many instances, the product can be applied to an entire face of a building, thereby allowing a prolonged contact time, before high pressure water rinsing commences. Unusually dirty marble or limestone found on interior or exterior substrates may require our HT-704X HEAVY DUTY LIMESTONE and MARBLE PRECLEANER. Unusually dirty exterior substrates may require our water mist process. Testing and consulting with the manufacturer's representative will determine the best procedures. |
Rinsing The most important step in cleaning limestone and marble is the rinsing procedure. First the precleaner is rinsed off by high pressure water, 1500 PSI (minimum] at 5 GPM (minimum). This is followed immediately by spraying (low pressure 10-30 PSI) our HT-907 LIMESTONE and MARBLE CLEANER and BRIGHTENER on the surface: after a contact time of only two or three minutes the brightener can be rinsed off with high pressure. The use of our HT-907 LIMESTONE and MARBLE CLEANER and BRIGHTENER assures the brightening of the stone to its original color and that the surface will be neutralized. Please refer to our Product Data Bulletin on HT-907 Hydroclean'S LIMESTONE and MARBLE CLEANER and BRIGHTENER. |
Caution Both HYDROCLEAN'S HT-704 and HT-704X LIMESTONE and MARBLE PRECLEANERS will adversely affect most paints, aluminum, hemp rope, wood, bristle brushes and wool rollers. Hemp safety rope should not be used. Polypropylene or nylon rope is not affected by the precleaner. There is no adverse effect on steel or glass. Normal safety precautions should be taken to prevent the effluent or the product from being sprayed on vehicles or persons near the work site. Even when using only water, care must be exercised not to overspray on pedestrians or vehicles. |
Safety This is an industrial strength alkaline cleaner and therefore the use of rubber gloves and face shields is mandatory. If the product does contact the skin, flushing with plenty of water and apply a mild solution of household vinegar to the area immediately. If the product contacts the eyes, flush immediately with water and follow with a mild eye rinse containing boric acid. Both emergency solutions should be on any building cleaning jobsite. |
Ecology This product is completely biodegradable. The effluent, if washed into the soil will break down rapidly. If this product is inadvertently sprayed on bushes, trees, or plants it should be rinsed off. Rinsing with water will prevent permanent damage to plants, trees, or bushes. |
Other Applications HYDROCLEAN'S HT-704 LIMESTONE and MARBLE PRECLEANER is effective in removing residual vine stems from masonry substrates. Since HYDROCHEMICAL TECHNIQUES shall have no control of the use of the product described herein, HYDROCHEMICAL TECHNIQUES assumes no liability for loss or damage incurred from the improper use of such product. |
HT-704 HT-704X : TOP |
BACK ONE | All information and photos are copyright Hydroclean. No material may be reproduced without express written permission from Hydrochemcial Techniques, Inc. HYDROCLEAN Hydrochemical Techniques, Inc. PO Box 2078 Hartford, CT 06145 Tel: 800-278-7681 860-527-6350 Fax: 860-527-4067 |