Hydroclean has been developing building restoration cleaning systems for the professional restoration cleaning contractor for over 28 years. Our products are practical, reliable and consistent in the field and, we feel represent the state of the art in high pressure water and chemical cleaning technology.
Example Project
Before and after photos of some granite steps, unpolished marble side walls, marble columns and column capitols, and polished marble columns.

Photos of an interior stairway in the Connecticut State Capitol, Hartford, Connecticut.

The unpolished marble areas were cleaned with Hydroclean's HT-704X Heavy Duty Limestone & Marble Precleaner and HT-907 Limestone & Marble Cleaner & Brightener. The polished marble was cleaned with Hydroclean's HT-700 Polished Marble & Granite Cleaner. The granite steps were cleaned with Hydroclean's HT-626 Brick, Granite, Sandstone & Terra Cotta Cleaner cut 4 to 1 with water.
More Notable Projects
Our products have been used on such notable projects as the interior of the U. S. Capitol, the exterior of The White House, Thomas Jefferson's Monticello and The Connecticut State Capitol.
All information and photos are copyright Hydroclean.
No material may be reproduced without express written permission from Hydrochemcial Techniques, Inc.

Hydrochemical Techniques, Inc.
PO Box 2078
Hartford, CT 06145
Tel: 800-278-7681 • 860-527-6350
Fax: 860-527-4067